Monday, 4 August 2014

Hi all were well under way again on the terrain we have been busy placing the roads and lowering the rivers which is a massive job and very time consuming,  once its done we will be ready to start placing down objects and start to bring Jalalabad to life

We have started to talk about work flow for such a big terrain with only 2 of us doing it, so we have decided to divide it into 4 14 x14 km  terrain tiles to make it easy to work with and once all four are complete we will join it back up, it will save loading times and make doing masks simpler.

Steve and I have been playing again with more models and animations to take the pysx interactions further and to keep pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the engine, I have still been working on getting water to work i've got a 95% working and tiled river that will follow the terrain still has an issue to sort but it is usable as is